April 1st, 2018 Easter

Happy Easter and beginning of Spring !

With the (slightly) warming temperatures, activity has been heating up quite a bit at the farm.  Over the past 8 weeks, we enjoyed the challenge of delivering 15 lambs, having many special visitors to see the young ones (including during birth) and bottle feed them, and now, the lambs are starting the weaning process.  As you can imagine, the barn is quite loud with plaintive cries and considerable consternation.  Each day will improve, and soon they will be outdoors running in the pastures !!

In addition, we are wrapping up our firewood preparation for next season and beyond.  In total, we will split over 30 ricks, for an estimated 12,000 pieces of firewood.  

And of course, the chickens ... the stars of the show !  They produce nearly 3 dozen eggs a day of many wonderful colors.  Better yet, as they venture outside, their yolks will become orange and they will taste even better.  Thank you for your outstanding support and helping us sell-out every week.

Easter Fun Facts:  The giving of eggs is considered a symbol of rebirth in many cultures.  Easter gets its name from Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess who symbolizes the hare and the eggs.  The Easter bunny originated in Germany in the 16th century.  For some, eggs were dyed to represent the blood of Jesus Christ.  Easter is second in candy holidays sales only to Halloween.  And for the most disturbing facts ... Americans eat more than 600 million marshmallow peeps and 16 million jelly beans during Easter !  And my favorite, in the US, 90 million chocolate bunnies are produced with 59% of the people eating the ears first.

We hope you all enjoy this wonderful Holiday time and the days ahead.  

Please let us know if you would like to visit.

Your fiends,

Harry, Lauren and Harry
