Dear Customers,
Hill House Farm will be adding something new to our list of products! Soon we will begin selling flowers. More information is on the way.
Our chicks were delivered a couple weeks ago for the Geauga County Fair. We will be raising them until Labor Day weekend when they will be auctioned off. Many changes have been made because of the Avian Flu, and nothing is permanent so we will keep you updated. Regardless of what happens at the fair, we will still be selling a large amount of meat birds on our own for $20 a piece. A photo is attached.
For the next two weeks Lauren and I will be out of town, so even though we will not be sending newsletters, eggs will still be for sale.
Fun Fact: Llamas have inherited fear of coyote, mountain lions and other dog-like animals. Some llamas are used as "guards" of the sheep because they quickly alert and protect the herd when they spot a predator.
Harry and Lauren Hawkes