January 11, 2015

Dear Customers,

On Tuesday I will fly back to school after a relaxing and enjoyable winter break. It was comforting to know that I was still needed to help with the firewood and animals, and hopefully I will be back for President's Day Weekend to help with lambing season!

The animals fared well this week despite the frigid temperatures. We provided extra straw in the stalls for bedding to keep them warm and we shut all doors in the barn to protect the sheep from the cold winds.

Exciting news! Hill House Farm is holding a contest. If you answer the following question correctly you will receive a free dozen eggs and one jar of peppers.  

What day do you believe our chickens will lay their first egg?

Your only clue is that our chickens hatched on 10/1/14. You can use past emails and other resources to estimate an answer.

Fun Fact: A freshly laid egg is around 105 °F.


Lauren and Harry Hawkes