August 10, 2014

Dear Customers,  

We hope that you enjoyed the perfect weather this weekend as much as we did.  

With the fair coming up soon, we will be walking the sheep preparing them for the show ring. In addition we will also be trying to find buyers for our chickens. Please let us know if you are interested.  

The apple trees had a higher yield last year, so we may not be able to produce apple butter this year due to alternate bearing. 

Fun Fact: Alternate Bearing refers to an alternating cropping pattern that is internally regulated by the plant. This phenomenon is widespread throughout many perennial trees and shrubs, but is not universal. Perennial fruit crops initiate flower buds for next season’s crop in the current season, and for most deciduous fruit species, the alternation of large and small crops is caused by competition between the current season’s crop and the coming season’s flower buds. 


Harry and Lauren Hawkes